Sunday, November 10, 2013

Digital Storyboard

Point of View: The story will be told from my point of view as a 36 year old, looking back on a experience that happened when I was 8 or 9.  I can see how the experience “awakened” several things that became a big part of my interests and personality over the years.
Dramatic Question: “When I was nine-years old, my grandfather taught me a secret word.  A magic word.”
Emotional Content. I would call the predominant emotion in this “awakening.”  You can’t “find yourself” at the age of nine, but if you look back you might see the beginning of who you came to be.  Another emotion in the story is “connection.”  On this trip with my father and grandfather to see my grandfather’s homeland, and to see the funeral of his mother, I felt like I was in the inner sanctum of family history and lore.  The “secret word” in the story is part of a ridiculous country folktale… a complicated nursery rhyme… But for me, I had felt like he had given me the access to a hidden treasure.
Voice: I will narrate this story.  I don’t think anyone else could, given the personal nature of the story.  Chances are I will read from a prewritten script, but I should have no problem making my own words sound fresh at the time of recording.
 Soundtrack: I may use stock music from the Youtube library, or I may use some bebop jazz.  Already, I am leaning toward “Moanin” by Charles Mingus.  Why not country (since we are driving from WV to AR)?  Some American country music may fit the setting, by I consider jazz the most American of American art forms, and “bop” was the music of the beat generation travelers whose writings have helped me frame these memories in my mind.
Economy: I will keep the script as short as possible.  Although I have a lot to say, I will try to let the pictures and music tell the story.
Pacing: I think pacing is the second biggest element in the performance of any story.  Plot is first.

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