Sunday, October 13, 2013

Media Lit PSA for Teachers

I created this PSA to reach out to teachers and help them consider why it is worth investing the time into incorporating elements of Media Literacy into the classroom.  For me, the most powerful statistics are from our text and from this Huff Post article which show that people spend MUCH more time with other media than they do with literature or any other book.  This tells me that if teachers are going to model critical thinking for their students, we can’t ignore internet, television, etc.  The facts  and quotes I used in the video were taken directly from our course text, and from Semali’s article because, after doing my research for the PSA, I felt that those were the most powerful and well stated.
I designed this PSA using a comic motif.  Comics and cartoons are something that reaches all ages.  With the current generation of adults, comics movies (The Dark Night Rises, Iron Man 3) and animated television (Family Guy, South Park, American Dad) are among the most popular forms of entertainment.  This is the generation that grew up on The Simpsons, so I knew that a funny comic book format would grab some attention.  I hand drew the images, uploaded them as images to Powerpoint, and put the whole thing together with music from a “chip tunes” band called Anamanaguchi.  I then saved the presentation as Windows Media Video.  Enjoy.


  1. Jared, I really enjoyed your comic theme for the PSA, good idea! It was a wonderful way to tell the PSA story. You really displayed the sense of urgency for media literacy in schools. You showed us different variations of what our students read and come across often. Then, you told the audience how we can educate our students using these types of media. I love how you encouraged the audience to “ask a few questions.” This PSA is a critical media literacy lesson within itself! Nice work!

  2. I loved your PSA!! It was so good and the cartoons were a creative way to go! The urgency is perfect considering you used critical media creating this!

  3. Awesome Job! I really liked it! Would you mind if I used it at my school? You showed how the media is ever-present in the technology-heavy world of our students and the passiveness created by not teaching students critical media literacy. Nice job!

  4. Best PSA I've seen so far!! The cartoon images are so good! The music goes perfectly. The storyline is so fun and so true!! The happy ending is so cute with the capes! The extra info at the end really enforces your message. You rock! Great job!

  5. This is a unique creation and I love it! You used persuasive information in an interesting context that not only teachers would be interested in watching but students as well.

  6. Wow this PSA really entertained me and had a great flow. Great job.
